From The Editor: Humanity Calls for Biophilic Design for Ergonomics

Dr. Ahmet FİDAN | Editor-in-Chief

Prof.Dr. Armağan GÖZKAMAN | Special Issue Editor

Sustainable Human Development and the City

This special issue compiles research that probes the interface of sustainable cities and human development, presenting a robust methodological approach supported by a comprehensive literature review. The collection covers a broad spectrum of topics, each exploring the ways sustainable urbanization intersects with human development.

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Tüm Makaleler

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From Editor-in Chief: Humanity Calls for Biophilic Design for Ergonomics

HumanityCalls for Biophilic Designfor Ergonomics

Assist.Prof.Dr. Ahmet FİDAN

Editor-in-Chief | On Behalf of ICAM Network Editorial Board

Circularity, due to being the default setting of life, has become a concept that extends to circular economy, circular environmental systems and the circularity of renewable energies, and has become increasingly widespread in terms of use and thought. This process has also brought about humanity’s search for reducing the negative effects on humans, both physically, socially and psychologically, by adding biophilic additions to concrete, plastic and even plasmatic reinforcements in urban areas. Okumaya devam et