Aylık arşivler: Eylül 2018
From the Editor: Transportation and Communication are the Basis of Mobilization in Urban Areas
Dr. Ahmet FİDAN
On behalf of editorial board
Urban Development is, like the development of Plant Cells!
From the Editor
In our thirty-fifth publication period our focus is again on the original and current academic studies which are aiming the examination, scrutinization, and analization of the issues and problematiques of the superstructures and substructures in urban areas.
As we have announced in the last issue, we will present thematic content in this issue. As we mentioned in the title, we tried to show that especially the healing process of the superstructure and substructure in urban areas is a dynamic structure, while considering the cities equal with the development of plant cells. As Ibn Khaldun has stated in his works, states have a life, they are born, grow, and die. Although there is a lifetime of states based on a certain piece of land, cities do not have.
Urban areas, like plant cells, protect their existence with their flexible structures firstly with constantly renewing themselves, then they maintain their life with protecting this structure after taking or establishing their identities. The process of maturation in cities is similar to the process of wisdom and specialization in humans. As cities enter the maturation period, which requires a period of at least three hundred or four hundred years for a city, the periods of stagnation represent their periods of grandeur. A city at this level is already referred as “ancient city”, and categorized by the united nations as ‘cittaslow’ firstly, and then the ‘ancient city to be protected’.
Transportation and Communication are the Basis of Mobilization in Urban Areas.
While the development processes of the cities are in this position, transportation on one side and institutionalization in the communication sectors on the other side they both have an accelerating effect on the maturation processes of cities.
The urban, inter-city or international transportation systems become part of the institutionalization of cities as long as they are in accordance with the ergonomics of social needs, and adapt to the global accreditations. Otherwise, the cities where accreditation, integration and synchronization do not work will not only sabotage their own future, but also prevent the development of other cities around the world. Also, the sub-structures and systems which are indifferent to the needs of the city dwellers in cities cause the isolation of that city in particular and country in general. In this respect, the transportation infrastructure in a city requires a harmonization in the means of transport on a species basis on one hand, and also in terms of transportation techniques or methods on the other hand. The work also requires the combination of the same transport systems and infrastructures with the transport systems of other countries. In this context, overlapping of the transportation types and techniques with the transportation systems of the developed cities in the world in line with the developing technological means, have vital importance in the development of the tourism potential of that city in particular and country in general.
Because the development process of the communication systems between people is proceeding in geometric speed, it requires the flexibility and accreditation of urban infrastructures at the point of mobilization of the citizens.
Geometric speedly developing communication systems are a driving and compelling factor in the synchronization of transportation networks in the context of time, orer arrangements, compensation systems, and means of transportation. The structures supported by the transportation software which should be a part of the “big data” which is determined with a fuzzy logic, became an inevitable situation in our world which is a global village.
New Sector in The World: Street Economy, Micron Entrepreneurship
The academic and sectoral initiatives of the assistant editor of our journal Osman SIRKECI, about the formation of a new sector which known as Street Economy or micron entrepreneur all around the world are continuing. In this context, The Global Street Economy Congress which the first one was held in Malta Valetta and our journal is in the editorial board and secretariat, was held with the theme of the III. Democracy Symposium in a dynamic, energetic and synergistic atmosphere. In the context of placing the street economy within the sector, this movement which has developed between the world countries on the economic basis as a hope to our aging and polluted world, has also undertaken the mission of being a bridge between states and cultures.
Under the leadership of Mr. Sirkeci, the Malta Conferences supported by the State Minister of Malta within the scope of our work on Global Street Economy, includes many new countries. The snowballing movement is rapidly Okumaya devam et